06 April 2007
off to the acropolis after 28 hours of travel to get to Athens from Bucharest.
Having left Romania: my heart is full for the sweet children there. my stomach is full (still) from the meals the Duta's fed us. I want to practice hospitality having been shown so much.
More to come.
God be with you.
29 March 2007
25 March 2007
I am registered now to take some classes. Third year. That's odd. I'll be learning, among other things of course, how to rest and relax. Hooray for hps.
I am also about to leave for a month of travel away from Maastricht, farther away from you than I've been yet. A small group of us will travel to Bucharest, Romania via Budapest, Hungary this Friday after exams. We'll be spending time with 'His Little Ones,' which is a ministry encompasing four Romanian orphanages. I am praying that we'll be an encouragement to the workers who are spending their lives to love the least of these, to love Jesus, and also that we'll be able to love the little ones well. From Romania we'll train to Athens where we'll spend a few days before ferrying to southern Italy. We hope to visit Naples, Rome, Florence, and Venice before continuing on to Barcelona.
Then we'll go home. Then we'll go home. Then, someday, we'll go Home. You know? Maastricht first, then Texas, then Home. All three will be sweet.
It's been good to see some of your faces over the past week. Oh, sweet skype.
confident that He who began a good work
will be faithful to complete it:
"For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren." (Hebrews 2:11) Really? Incredible.
19 March 2007
skiing? no.
I'm back from the land of the switzer without any idea what a switzer is. It's a bit embarrasing, really.
Papers due this week. Exams next week. Finals are over in 10 days.
What classes should I take? That's the question of the day. I register tomorrow.
There are indeed other things on my mind besides school work. I know it doesn't seem so.
More to come...
13 March 2007

I really enjoy rainy and sunny days and bicycles. especially fury.
light up, light up
as if you had a choice
even when you cannot hear my voice
i'll be right beside you, dear - Run, Snow Patrol
I spent last weekend in Edinburgh with Courtney Micksch. It looked like this.
She taught me to say 'quite,' 'kisses,' 'cheers,' and such. English and Scottish folks are quite fun. Her company was refreshing and I really enjoyed talking with a friend about friends and about life. It was good. Arthur's seat was good. Mostly indescribable, but it was windy, had plush grass, and had clear views of the sea and the city. Geez Louise. (Funny..I met a Louise this weekend.)
I prayed for a new idea and had one. I'm inspired to write the 18 pages that are due next week in the form of one Comparative European Literature paper and one Comparative European Politics Essay. I haven't started. But I'm inspired.
I miss you people in Juarez this week and pray and hope for you often. I pray and hope for all of you Wacos and family often.
Leaving for Switzerland on Thursday. Alps here I come. Skiing? We'll see. The Bollywood Dance Workout video made my week and I haven't even seen it. But I will.
05 March 2007
a quick adendum
I am so grateful to God that I am here. I am so grateful for the sacrifices mom and dad and others have made to allow me to be here and learn and see what I am learning and seeing. I didn't mean to downplay how much I love being here by that last post. Thank you dad. Thank you mom. I love being here this semester.
'Tracy is my favorite person ever in life no questions asked'
'But store up for yourself treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where theives do not break in and steal.' matthew6:20
The prayers, the acts of kindness, the resolve to live in humility will last because He's faithful and rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Seek Him.
p.s. I went to the Czech Stop's mother country. And I didn't eat a single kolache.
27 February 2007
'Three cheers for the greatest guitarist on Grafton Street. Hip hip hooray!'
I feel silly apologizing for not writing these past several days. I know that making that apology presumes a readership that checks this site often enough to notice my lack of posts. However, I am sorry for keeping you in the dark, even if you were unaware or apathetic of the dark. That concludes my (silly and presumptuous) opening comments.
During the school break for carnival last week, I saw some of Ireland. I saw Green. It was nice to my eyes. We flew to Dublin, day-tripped to Wicklow, then moved on to Kilkenny. I hardly know what to say. Dubliners were friendly. I was going to spend the entire four days in St. Stephen's Green, but they close the park 20 minutes before sunset.
We celebrated Aubrey's birthday. 'She's not like other girls, she's (was, rather) a birthday girl.' Aubrey Wilson is a lovely lady and travelling friend. Aubrey has basically been Patience and is a peace-maker always. Three cheers for the greatest Aubrey on Harcourt Street. Hip hip hooray!
We climbed a large hill in Wicklow. I don't know how to put words to the beauty of the view from the top of it. I haven't ever wanted so badly to be able to fly. Ever.
Kilkenny was so good to us, and better than we thought. It was like the underdog of Ireland, and it won the championship. When we arrived most everything went wrong. While we were eating dinner and trying to amend plans for the next few days we prayed for God to direct us and keep us from discouragement and frustration. Then Anne sat down. Anne and Michael are a couple from California who are living at the hostel, the Folksrath Castle, this winter and helping Jack with management. Anne, after giving us more advice than we would have known how to ask for about touring the area, offered to drive us herself to visit a few places that were inaccesible by train or bus. Really? Really. Praise God. So, she drove us a ways outside of the city where we walked through the ruins of a 12th? century priory and then also through a monastery and cemetary. I don't know that the memory of those places will ever leave me. I hope it won't. The monastery, especially, was steeped in silence from years of prayer and thought and study of God and I was so encouraged to walk there.
Now it's exam week.
A friend of mine who is overseas at the moment e-mailed a reminded that I wanted to pass on. He says, "Still, there is always the cross...and there is someone who hangs upon it. If we walk the road we have been called to walk, death is certain: death to some desires, death to some relationships, and perhaps even to our very lives. Still, what other promise is there greater than that of resurrection and His Kingdom? He is worthy." Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jesus.
This is close to awfully long, but I have one more story. On Saturday night we were sitting in a Dublin train station. We were hungry and were facing a bakery that was closing. The ladies started throwing away sandwiches from the refrigerator, but turned to us and asked if we'd like any of them for free. We said yes and thank you. When we started eating Bethy told us that she had been worried about her declining bank account and the expenses as we travelled. She asked God to make her more dependent on Him for every need, and to show her practically how He provides. He did.
God be with you: