15 January 2007

Waco, Tx

Melting ice makes me think of Narnia and the coming spring. I'm glad for it.

I'm home in Waco this weekend, saying good-bye to dear friends. I'm going home to Arlington tomorrow to pack and say good-bye to dear family. Are you catching a theme? I am and it's a difficult one.

I am glad you are reading this. The reason I write is that I'm studying in the Netherlands this semester. This means I am going on an adventure that I've been looking forward to for some time. But being 5,000 miles away also means, unfortunately, that talking about life with the people I so love talking about life with will be made more difficult. I'm determined that it not be impossible, though, so I will post here what I'm doing in my time overseas and what I'm thinking about you all and what I'm praying for you all and for my new friends. Then you will comment or e-mail me to let me know what's going on with you. It will be lovely and we will all learn to love electronic communication together. Mmhm. I think that's the way it is going to go.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye.

Post Script: Skype, anyone? I'd love to know if you have it. I'd love for you to get it if you don't have it. I'd love it if we could talk via skype.


amanda said...

i'm so excited that you are keeping a blog! you are going to have an amazing time and i am so excited for you!!!

Hannah Ramsey said...

Audrey! I'm really excited for you. I'll be praying for you.

Samuel Chen said...

Audrey! I didn't know you were studying abroad! I hope you have a GREAT time and I will definitely be praying for you!

PS- I do have Skype but no microphone (so you wouldn't hear me if I talked). I can IM on Skype though. Again, best wishes!!!

LaurenRobb said...

I love you and miss you already. You are wonderful, and It's going to be great.